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Saturday, 29TH APRIL 2023
CLUB TEAMS - Enter via your club
Club race secretaries must provide the race director with the number of teams in each grade by 8pm, Monday, 24th April 2023, using the online pre- entry form link.
On the day, club race secretaries must provide the race director with team member names on the main entry form. This should be handed into the registration desk at least 30 minutes prior to the appropriate race start.
Entry forms will be emailed to club race secretaries once their pre-entries are received. Spare entry forms will be available at the registration desk.
Prices for club runners:
Club teams can include community (unregistered) runners - see note below in blue.
18 years & over: $32 per adult team
Under 18: $12 per U18 team
Adult Walking teams: $24 per teams
Children's Walking teams: $6 per team
Unregistered runners competing as a community runner, pay an additional fee per athlete of $10.00 per Adult (Grade 18 and over) and $5.00 per Child (Grade 17 and under). Unregistered athletes are those athletes not registered in the 2022/2023 season and those athletes not registered for the current 2023/2024 season at the time of this event. The additional fees above will be added to the Entry Fee.
Bank account for payment: 02 0800 0749095 000
Community teams are encouraged to join in this relay.
Entries close on the online link @ 8pm Monday 24th April 2023.
Community Teams - ONLINE ENTRY LINK
All teams will be allocated a team number for each member of their team. These can be collected from the registration desk prior to the start of your relay.
Any prior queries can be directed to Daniel on: 027 294 2187
Prices for community runners:
18 years & over : $100 per team
Under 18: $40 per team
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